Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lean Not On Thine Own Understanding!

Hello Friends!

I had an experience yesterday that has helped me so much. I hope by sharing this with you, it might help someone else have a change of view for the good! So here is how the story goes!

I was at school and in class as usual. My branding class was just about over and I was talking to some friends in my class about how stressful our major is and how unknown and frustrating our futures look like. We don't know if we get formally accepted in the program and not sure what we need to do to get there because our department is making a lot of changes right now because of the growing class size at UVU and change in Art of Directors etc.

In our classes this is always the topic of concern among us graphic design hopefuls. I tend to leave frustrated and not motivated because of the mood of the group as a whole. Yesterday in particular I was talking to this guy in my class, he seems to be having a tougher time about things seeing he is in his thirties, married and has a child so his need to get in the program is important so he can provide for his family without delay. As I can relate to the issues it is just hard to talk to him about anything because he is so negative. We ended up talking about other stuff such as the current government situation, school, and just struggles in general (Well he did most the talking) :)

As I was leaving to walk to my car and go home, I was feeling quite down and worried about my life and the situation I find myself in. I don't know what is going to happen with the program and I need to find a way to support myself financially to pay for health insurance etc. However, in the moment as I was walking to my car I had this scripture come to mind that has not left me since.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean NOT unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." 
--Proverb 3:5-6
In my time of worry and thinking how will I ever be able to do all this I need to in life, over and over as I walked to the car. I instantly thought after hearing this scripture, I knew that the answer is I won't if I try to do it on my own but if I am able to give all I can and recognize the Lord in all I do I WILL be able to do all things through him!

I will make it through school.

I will find a way to pay all my bills.

I will be able to start a family someday.

I can be happy while going through life!

I can do ALL things with the help of the Lord!

This is great news and I am grateful for this experience I had.

Know that no matter what YOU are going through, turn to your Lord and he will help you in all you do. Don't give up!

He knows what you should be doing even if you you don't know or are unsure. So let HIM do the guiding and life will be so much more simple and happier! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Penny For A Thought

I really have just been noticing that I am in control of my life. When I do stuff to further things going on things get done but when I put them off they don't...It feels a lot beter to get things done and do things that I know I will need to do soon. That way I am improving my life and not just sitting still. I am not talking big I am just thinking simple things such as doing the dishes right away or paying a bill that isn't quite due yet. Just a thought.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Art History isn't so bad after all...

Just wanted to say I totally got a 98% on my first Art History test which is amazing!!! This was a very intense test that required a lot of studying and preparation. I was told every day in class that it would not be an easy test from my teacher and students who had already had her. So I am very excited about the results :) Let's hope for that on the next test. My teacher is wonderful which is good cause I don't really like history classes!!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

3 months till we meet again!

I sure do miss these sweet little girls! They are so cute!! I just want to give them a hug! haha They are so fun to play with! I love you girls!

PS - They really love Kate :) I think this was around her birthday or a day they were going to see her!

Friday, February 1, 2013

I am alive!

I haven't posted in a really long time. :( But don't worry I recently found the desire to write more regularly.  I have been keeping myself really busy with school and work. I learned something in school recently that I think will make a difference on me forever.

I am going to school to be a graphic designer and for the longest time I would say that I am not an artist and that I couldn't draw, paint, photograph, etc. I simply just wanted to do art on the computer and be a graphic designer.

Well... I was so wrong and I am so glad I realized it at the earlier stages of school. Last semester I took Drawing 1 and I was terrified to take that class. I hadn't been in a drawing class since 8th grade. I used to love drawing but then I felt like I was not good as the peers in my class and I gave it up even through high school. I have such a passion for art and music I had to choose between art and choir. I chose choir which I am happy with! I just wish I wouldn't have so easily given up art. I did take one commercial art class in high school and absolutely loved loved it! I also took interior design in high school and at BYU!

A year ago I figured out that I have this huge passion for art still and I always will. I mean I love making posters and other such things that just  got me so excited and now I get to do art everyday. And the best part is that is why I am in school so that I can learn all sorts of art I took drawing and sculpture last semester and photography this semester and they are so out of my comfort zone but that is why they are so great! I get to learn new things and explore even more than just doing art on the computer.

I look forward to the rest of my schooling and I am not sure where life is going to take me but I am sure excited to see where these passions go! I have a music minor from BYU and now I am getting a art degree at UVU! Couldn't be happier about it! Except the costs of school of course... :) But i think it will be so worth it in the end!

I would love to share my art with everyone especially you all. So I started a new blog just for my art and music passions.  I am also using this as a way to build an online portfolio for when I want a creative but not limited to art job! I am going to do better on this personal blog and keep up the work on my other one. I have a lot of art projects I have done that I can't wait to share. You should check it out and follow my other blog too!

Is there something you would like to try that is new? Something you are scared to do? Go out there and get your feet wet! It will be worth it!